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CW signs an MOU with the Universidad Tecnológica de San Juan del Rio (Mexico) for launching a virtual internship program

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Our firm signed an important collaboration agreement with the Universidad Tecnológica de San Juan del Rio (UTSJR) to improve the skills and abilities of students through professional practice in various aspects such as business development and information and technology in an international company with a focus on the Latin American region.

This new project aims to promote direct contact, educational and research cooperation between students and the company. Furthermore, both parties will endeavor to cooperate in various fields of interest: joint education activities and exchange of information and publications.

In total, eight Mexican students were selected for the virtual internship program.  These students are from engineering, IT, and business background, eager to carry out professional work in an international environment.

For further details, please contact our Latin Department Assistant Manager, Victor Herrera, at victor.mendoza@cwhkcpa.com.


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