[column width=”1/1″ last=”true” title=”” title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”] On 28 February 2020, the Organic Law of Entrepreneurship and Innovation was published In Ecuador, which establishes for the first time the definitions and mechanisms for the creation, control, and procedures of SAS in Ecuador. On 25 September 2020, Simplified Stock Companies’ regulation was issued to establish the determining points of this type of companies. DEFINITION OF A […]

CW and A&Z Law firm – Webinar Doing Business in China 2021: a legal and tax perspective

With the ongoing effects of 2020, 2021 presents challenges and uncertainties for businesses in China. On 27 January, we addressed some of these issues for companies to better prepare themselves for 2021. Our colleague Marant Caballero from the Latin Department of the Shanghai office spoke about tax policy updates in 2021 and case studies of scanners in […]

Pro Bono – Direction Association for the Handicapped

The Direction Association for the Handicapped 《路向四肢傷殘人士協會》 is a group of people with severe physical impairment who share the spirit of “Mutual-help and Self-help”. They support the integration of members back to the community so that they can live in the barrier-free community with happiness and confidence. The Association has published the book《路向》in 2010 and has launched the revised edition last year in 2020, which was the 30th anniversary of […]

Why Should Small and Medium-sized Businesses Adopt Xero?

Bookkeeping provides a clear and logical way for businesses to keep a close check over their financial data to ensure everything is in order. Operations need to be adorned with concise and up-to-date financial reviews to stay on track with their business. However, most small and medium-sized companies do not have an in-house accounting department […]

5 Tips CFO Should Know Before Adopting Cloud Accounting

Professional executive Business colleague team working and analyzing with new project of accounting

Living in a highly globalized and digitalized world, companies and firms are starting to digitalize their work in order to be more competitive and efficient in the fast-paced business world. One of the crucial features of a firm is to have a clear and transparent accounting record. However, conventional manual accounting systems have been criticized […]