Project WeCan – 2020 Job Tasting – Virtual Internship Programme
Since 2012, Project WeCan has organised Job Tasting Programme for secondary school students. The Job Tasting Programme allows students to work in sizable companies during summer vacation. Students are required to go through normal application procedures and are assigned to mentors in their respective work places. CW CPA is one of the Corporate Partners of Project WeCan and has been supporting Project WeCan in their programmes including this Job Tasting Programme. […]
15 Years Latin Journey
A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers. My Latin American dream took off 15 years ago and it has been actualised to the fullest potential and beyond. I still remember how the idea started simply with the jazzy tunes of Latin American guitarist Carlos Santana and the book “Blue Ocean Strategy”, which inspired […]
TMEC: Investment opportunities in Mexico

After more than two years of negotiations, the new trade agreement between Mexico, the US and Canada, now called the T-MEC has entered into force on 1 July 2020. Although most of the agreement did not have significant changes, some modifications will impact the way of operating companies within the region, as well as the performance of […]